Erasmus+ : tirocini CAIL per gli studenti europei!
In CAIL proseguono anche durante l’estate 2019 i tirocini targati “ErasmusPlus” per ragazzi di vari paesi europei! Ogni studente o gruppo di studenti svolge un progetto ad hoc in linea con il proprio corso, ma tutti vengono coinvolti attivamente per conoscere le iniziative dell’Associazione!
Ecco i racconti di alcune esperienze recenti di visite o affiancamenti nei centri estivi ENGLISH WEEKS… Buona lettura!
From Bulgaria to Casalecchio and Ozzano
Hello, we are Bogolyub and Sofia from Bulgaria and we are on the Erasmus+ program in Bologna, Italy.
On July 4 we were in Casalecchio. The people we met were very kind and polite. We helped and taught the children about the recycling path. We were playing games with them related to this initiative, and so they made costumes of recycled material for their parents’ performance. Children sang songs on the subject. They were interested where we are from and our culture. We told them about Bulgaria – about where it is, with whom we border, and about our customs and food, as well as some typical Bulgarian music and dances. The children were interested in asking us different questions about us and our country!
On July 5 we were in the “March 8, 1908” Library in Ozzano. There were also some interns and volunteers, around our age, so we understood each other well. They were very friendly and helped us to feel comfortable there. As the day before, the topic was about recycling. The children had made outfits of paper and cardboard. We were singing songs and we were having fun!
From Spain to Bologna
Hello, We are Pablo and Jesús, two Erasmus + students from Spain doing our internships at this Association, CAIL.
Our experiences with CAIL are pretty good. Since we entered we have been treated as one more in the company.
We started by doing administrative and translation tasks. From last Monday, we participated in an English Week on via Gaudenzi, Bologna, in which we could work with children, both in the classrooms, promoting their learning of English, as well as outdoors, doing various games, trips to the pool, games with water…
Among other tasks and games, we have built a cardboard robot (the topic of the week was about technology), played board games, seen films to improve the comprehension of English, we have played with water balloons, cards …
The possibility of carrying out these activities has also helped us a lot to improve the language and to understand a little more the native language of children, Italian.
We have had a great time with the children, playing and speaking in English, which has also helped us a lot!